Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As a defender of the great holiday of Thanksgiving I feel a need to post something in regards to this wonderful season. There are so many things we have to be thankful for, even the things that seem small and insignificant. In class this week I had each student share at least one thing they were thankful for. I love how simple children are and how they can find joy in so many different things.

Here are some things I am thankful for: First of all my family, I am so lucky to have a family that loves me and that I know will do anything in their power to help me. To have a brother that is my best friend, a mom that is fighting through cancer treatment and the blessing she recieved from our Bishop that she would live, and a dad who can make me laugh.

I am also thankful for my wonderful friends. I have been so blessed to have friends that have stuck together. We just can't get rid of each other, even those that are married, we all try and see each other at least a few times a year. I wish we saw each other more, but I know they are still there for me if I need them, and I would do anything for them. I also have such great friends here at my apartment, life without them would be uber lame.

I am grateful for a job and money in this time of economic difficulties. I am glad I worked hard to graduate at the age of 23, two and a half years after I got home from my mission, so I could be where I am today. I love my job and have grown a lot. The kids make everything worth it, even with the hard times.

I could go on and on forever, I could talk about how I am thankful for grapefruit, trees, sports, lettuce, air, water, freedom, the gospel, indoor plumbing, carbohydrates, grass, clouds, hydrogen, music, blankets, hands, health, the list goes on and on. I hope we each can take some time to really think about how good we have it here. I know I for one am very thankful, Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good call... hands rock!